Thursday, May 27, 2010

Legion Of Ra1n

So as clubberpwn made his way back to valor after vetting to all 3 PMC's. Hes Still a die hard valor fan. But now, sver has a ra1n clan, ravens got a ra1n clan. Its about time that valor gets a ra1n clan. We will be joining valor under the name of "Legion Of Ra1n" [LoR] This clan will not be as easy to become an officer unlike dark ra1n or acid rain as they are not as serious of a clan as [LoR]. We are keeping it tight, with that being said there will only be a few officers. * YOU WILL HAVE TO EARN YOUR WAY UP TO BECOME ONE* This will be the ultimate ra1n clan where you will find most of the members playing surpression, sabo and Aqu.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

30 minutes and 122 points later

Well you can say, Domonation is not the best way to gain points. "30 fucking minutes and only 122 points. This shit is ru-tarded" said by KennyER1010. So moving from domo, to sabo to surpression, we are about 10 levels from vetting back over to our final PMC's. I am pretty sure we are going to valor nexted. But if Talon_SoulTaker doesnt like the groove Valor has I think he'll be heading back over to S.V.E.R. Clubberpwn isnt to sure what the name of the valor clan will be yet. But be sure to keep your eye out for Ra1n.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dark Ra1n

It Starts To Ra1n For Raven

So it looks like clubberpwn and Talon_SoulTaker from [ACR] are stick'n it to their guns and staying together as they head over to raven for their last and final trophy "Commandant in Chief" Already having the "Sergeant Major" and the "Prima Noyan" tropies, its out last goal for clan leaders. Also Starting the new clan over here as Dark Ra1n. You can say its not too much trouble when you have members from OHP that went veteran mode to fight by your side. With KennyER1010 destroying it with 64 kills a record breaking for himself in a sabotage match against Valor, I can only say we are off to a great start for Raven.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Welcome DOGG!

Looks like the man himself has gotten into the clan. From OHP (Original Hells Psychopaths) and to ITB (I tea bag) as a joke. I found him in a domonation match under the clan tag, ACR (AC1D RA1N) At half time carrying it out with, 18-17 with 292 point. Keeping it strong with his squad and holding A,B,D,E. With five minutes remaining we defeated valor, CHASE_DOGG42o finishing with 32-30 and 623 points and clubberpwn with 37-18 and 633 points. Just another win for S.V.E.R's contracts.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


The First few hours.

Well its the first night of our new clan. [ACR] and we had a good few first matches together. Played a bunch of sabotage, a few acquisition matches. but also got team killed and trash talked by the clan [ill]. Clubberpwn and tommys_guns randomly met up with them in domination and just got trash talked the whole game. It hasnt even been 24 hours and we already have a
rival clan. I mean. they team killed us. so. next time we see them. were jusst not gonna stand there and let them knife us... I wanna give a BIG shout out to Talon_soultaker for puting the new clan together, also to tommys_guns for helping out with winning some great matches tonight. We hope to get all the officers to put a little blog in about them selfs to put a personality to there gamming skills. CLAN MEMBERS are CSA4ever, G2LR, welder144, I-WANDER, clubberpwn, Pegleg72, TURKOTRON-2000 and the leader of the clan is Talon-SoulTaker. thank you. and there is more to come.