Sunday, May 16, 2010


The First few hours.

Well its the first night of our new clan. [ACR] and we had a good few first matches together. Played a bunch of sabotage, a few acquisition matches. but also got team killed and trash talked by the clan [ill]. Clubberpwn and tommys_guns randomly met up with them in domination and just got trash talked the whole game. It hasnt even been 24 hours and we already have a
rival clan. I mean. they team killed us. so. next time we see them. were jusst not gonna stand there and let them knife us... I wanna give a BIG shout out to Talon_soultaker for puting the new clan together, also to tommys_guns for helping out with winning some great matches tonight. We hope to get all the officers to put a little blog in about them selfs to put a personality to there gamming skills. CLAN MEMBERS are CSA4ever, G2LR, welder144, I-WANDER, clubberpwn, Pegleg72, TURKOTRON-2000 and the leader of the clan is Talon-SoulTaker. thank you. and there is more to come.

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